Minimally Invasive Procedure for Alleviating Chronic Tendon Pain

Are you experiencing persistent tendon or plantar fascia discomfort?

Tendonitis refers to a damaged tendon caused by repetitive use and overexertion while engaging in activities you enjoy or need to do. Repeated movements, regardless of how common, can result in small micro-tears in the tendon that fail to heal properly, leading to chronic tendinopathy (tendon degeneration). In some cases, this might also result in the development of calcification within the tendon, which can exacerbate the discomfort.

Are you dealing with discomfort due to a bone spur?

A bone spur (osteophyte or enthesophyte) is an extra bony growth that forms on healthy bone and can apply pressure or friction on adjacent tissues. This can trigger inflammation, wear and tear, and discomfort. Limiting usage may help alleviate the symptoms, but if the source of the discomfort is a bone projection, the symptoms will often reoccur.

If you answered affirmatively to either of these inquiries, you might be a suitable candidate for treatment with the Tenex Health TX System – which has demonstrated its ability to alleviate tendon discomfort in over 85% of patients.1,2,3,4,5

The Tenex Health TX® System employs ultrasonic energy to address pain-inducing soft and hard tissues through a minimally invasive percutaneous approach. If you have already attempted physical therapy, cortisone injections, medication, or engaged in self-care practices such as icing, stretching, and resting, and are still experiencing discomfort, don’t hesitate to contact us.

This technique helps patients regain musculoskeletal function without the necessity for invasive surgery or general anesthesia, potentially offering you swift relief from discomfort and allowing you to return to the activities you cherish within a few weeks to a few months. This treatment can also be effective in cases where prior open surgical procedures have not succeeded.

Patient benefits may include:*

  • Rapid pain relief
  • Rapid recovery and return to normal activities in 6-8 weeks (compared to 6 months or more with an open surgical procedure)
  • Only a one-time treatment
  • Typically performed with local anesthetic
  • No stitches (requires only a small, adhesive bandage)
  • Well-tolerated procedure
  • Does not disturb surrounding healthy tendon
  • Stimulates a healing response in the tendon

*individual results may vary

What areas of the body can Tenex Health TX treat?

Speak with us today if you are suffering from:

  • Shoulder tendonitis (rotator cuff or biceps)
  • Lateral or medial epicondylitis (tennis or golfer’s elbow)
  • Gluteal tendonitis (hip)
  • Pelvic hamstring tendonitis
  • Patella tendonitis (runner or jumper’s knee)
  • Achilles tendonitis (ankle)
  • Plantar fasciitis (foot or heel)
  • Calcific deposit in the tendon
  • Pain associated with a bone spur or bony prominence

How does Tenex Health TX work?

  1. Precisely targets your damaged tissue: Your physician will visualize and pinpoint the precise location of the injured tendon tissue, bone projection, or calcific deposit.
  2. Eliminates the damaged tissue: Once the cause of your discomfort is identified, your physician numbs the area with a local anesthetic, enabling you to remain conscious throughout the entire procedure. Many individuals report that after the numbing process, which feels similar to a bee sting, they only experience slight pressure during the procedure (if they feel anything at all). Subsequently, your physician employs ultrasonic energy engineered to safely break down and extract the targeted, diseased tissue. The ultrasonic energy is delivered using the TX MicroTip, which necessitates only a small incision to access the impaired tissue. This energy is effective in cutting and removing degenerative tissue and bone, while leaving healthy tendon unharmed.
  3. No sutures are needed: Following the procedure, your physician applies a small adhesive bandage; stitches are unnecessary. Since you remain awake during the procedure (without general anesthesia), many people can drive home afterward.
  4. Can provide rapid discomfort relief and expedited recovery: Recovery is swift, with many individuals returning to their regular activities within 6-8 weeks or less. Due to the minimally invasive approach and targeted removal of tissue, there is minimal downtime and reduced discomfort in comparison to open surgery. The speed of your recovery is contingent on the location and extent of the impaired tissue being treated.

VIDEO: Watch how your doctor uses Tenex Health TX to treat chronic tendon and plantar fascia pain:

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The medical procedure called percutaneous tenotomy or percutaneous fasciotomy using the Tenex Health TX System is specifically designed for those suffering from painful conditions associated with chronic tendon or plantar fascia damage. It is also known as chronic tendinosis/plantar fasciosis or tendinopathy/plantar fasciopathy. For more information, visit